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Friday, May 20, 2011


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"top-class" is most certainly a misnomer for IPL cricket...

As for Warnie, well, what can you say? Greatest cricketer of his generation, for me, spinner or seamer, bowler or batsman. Capable of being a colossal cock from time to time, and currently almost as ghastly (excellent choice of word) as his latest squeeze, it's true, but a genuine phenomenon of the game who will never be forgotten. Legend.


Every other entry in your blog is a concealed rant against the all powerful BCCI, and yet you mention a "pantheon" of great spinners without one Indian on it - no Bedi, no Prasanna. The Pommie view of the Cricket world is still limited to English counties and Australia it seems. Blinkered vision much?

The Reverse Sweep

Fair point Yenjvoy, Prasanna or Bedi deserved to be mentioned in that company

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