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Sunday, September 05, 2010


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Beggy G

I don't believe your dislike is unfathomable, I reckon it's completely fathomable for the reasons you've given alone - and thank you for articulating much of what I find annoying. Add to that list the fact that he represents chucking out the baby of Australian masculinity with the bathwater of sexist ockerdom and I can completely fathom MY feelings on the matter.
You don't have to be an ignorant pig to be a man and by the same token you don't have to be a vain crybaby to be sensitive and passionate.
But worst of all, Watto looks like Wayne Rooney with a wig in that ad.

numra bilal

shut up u guys just dont know anything he is now a vital part of australian cricket team and shame on all aussies who dislike him have u all forgotten that it was watson the last man standing for australia to take them home by scoring a century in the final of icc champions trophy and it was watson who scored 97 against pakistan when australia were struggling in sydney test i dont belive in all this shit that people dislike him if anyone truly loves cricket australia then i can bet they just cant hate him cause he has given so much to australias cricket

f1 merchandise

Ah, Wayne Rooney... God gave him a great gift with his footballing skills pity he didn't throw in a brain


On your goat? ON your goat?! That's a new one:-)

The Reverse Sweep

Ha ha Chris, maybe I shouldn't use and English idiom. It sounded more polite than 'Watson really pisses me off'!

The Reverse Sweep

You're right Beggy G the resemblance to Rooney is a bit scary! I thought that Australia was the last bastion of manhood and then Shane Watson and Mitchell Johnson came along. They don't make them like Dennis Lillee any more!

The Reverse Sweep

Wow Numra, we've found a fan of Watson that isn't his Mum or Dad! Seriously, I am a Pom so I am allowed to dislike Australian cricketers, although it's only Watson and Johnson from the current team that grate (ok maybe Brad Haddin too).


I don't think he is that bad a bowler as he bowled reasonably well in places like India but not good enough to take a 5for.He is just a twatt.


If I was Sir Alex, I'll drop Wayne Rooney quicker than a prostitute's pants. The guy should be punished not because of what he did, but because of the stupid way he did it.


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